COVID Update

January 10, 2022

Dear Friends,

We are so looking forward gathering soon, especially during a time when community and being physically together is all the more precious.

For the wedding, we ask that everyone be fully vaccinated, and preferably boosted. We kindly ask all guests to get a Covid test 24-48 hours before the festivities. We know Omicron has drawn out the wait-time for lab results and made at-home test kits harder to come by. We also know it can be difficult to get tested in a city you're unfamiliar with, so we recommend bringing a few home tests with you to Miami. Below you will find a link to a site where you can purchase at-home testing kits.

There will be guests of all generations and levels of immunity in attendance, so we cannot thank you enough for your sound judgment and caution in keeping everyone safe and happy!


Phoenix and Tim